Be not jealous of the wife of your bosom, lest you teach her to do evil against you. Give no woman power over you to trample upon your dignity. Be not intimate with a strange woman, lest you fall into her snares.
With a singing girl be not familiar, lest you be caught in her wiles. Entertain no thoughts against a virgin, lest you be enmeshed in damages for her. Give not yourself to harlots, lest you surrender your inheritance.
Avert your eyes from a comely woman; gaze not upon the beauty of another's wife; through woman's beauty many perish, for lust for it burns like fire. With a married woman dine not, recline not at table to drink by her side, lest your heart be drawn to her and you go down in blood to the grave.
Discard not an old friend, for the new one cannot equal him. A new friend is like new wine which you drink with pleasure only when it has aged. Envy not a sinner's fame, for you know not what disaster awaits him. Rejoice not at a proud man's success; remember he will not reach death unpunished.
Keep far from the man who has power to kill, and you will not be filled with the dread of death. But if you approach him, offend him not, lest he take away your life; Know that you are stepping among snares and walking over a net. As best you can, take your neighbors' measure, and associate with the wise.
Sirach 9:1-6, 8-14
Why are dust and ashes proud? even during life man's body decays; A slight illness--the doctor jests, a king today--tomorrow he is dead. When a man dies, he inherits corruption; worms and gnats and maggots.
With humility have self-esteem; prize yourself as you deserve. Who will acquit him who condemns himself? Who will honor him who discredits himself?
The poor man is honored for his wisdom as the rich man is honored for his wealth; Honored in poverty, how much more so in wealth! Dishonored in wealth, in poverty how much the more!
Sirach 10:9-11, 28-31
With a singing girl be not familiar, lest you be caught in her wiles. Entertain no thoughts against a virgin, lest you be enmeshed in damages for her. Give not yourself to harlots, lest you surrender your inheritance.
Avert your eyes from a comely woman; gaze not upon the beauty of another's wife; through woman's beauty many perish, for lust for it burns like fire. With a married woman dine not, recline not at table to drink by her side, lest your heart be drawn to her and you go down in blood to the grave.
Discard not an old friend, for the new one cannot equal him. A new friend is like new wine which you drink with pleasure only when it has aged. Envy not a sinner's fame, for you know not what disaster awaits him. Rejoice not at a proud man's success; remember he will not reach death unpunished.
Keep far from the man who has power to kill, and you will not be filled with the dread of death. But if you approach him, offend him not, lest he take away your life; Know that you are stepping among snares and walking over a net. As best you can, take your neighbors' measure, and associate with the wise.
Sirach 9:1-6, 8-14
Why are dust and ashes proud? even during life man's body decays; A slight illness--the doctor jests, a king today--tomorrow he is dead. When a man dies, he inherits corruption; worms and gnats and maggots.
With humility have self-esteem; prize yourself as you deserve. Who will acquit him who condemns himself? Who will honor him who discredits himself?
The poor man is honored for his wisdom as the rich man is honored for his wealth; Honored in poverty, how much more so in wealth! Dishonored in wealth, in poverty how much the more!
Sirach 10:9-11, 28-31