If there are many with you at table, be not the first to reach out your hand. Does not a little suffice for a well-bred man? When he lies down, it is without discomfort. Distress and anguish and loss of sleep, and restless tossing for the glutton! Moderate eating ensures sound slumber and a clear mind next day on rising. If perforce you have eaten too much, once you have emptied your stomach, you will have relief.
Let not wine-drinking be the proof of your strength, for wine has been the ruin of many.
Wine is very life to man if taken in moderation. Does he really live who lacks the wine which was created for his joy? Joy of heart, good cheer and merriment are wine drunk freely at the proper time.
Headache, bitterness and disgrace is wine drunk amid anger and strife. More and more wine is a snare for the fool; it lessens his strength and multiplies his wounds.
Rebuke not your neighbor when wine is served, nor put him to shame while he is merry; Use no harsh words with him and distress him not in the presence of others.
Sirach 31:18-21, 25, 27-31
When wine is present, do not pour out discourse, and flaunt not your wisdom at the wrong time.
Speak only when necessary, when they have asked you more than once; be brief, but say much in those few words, be like the wise man, taciturn. When among your elders be not forward, and with officials be not too insistent.
Do nothing without counsel, and then you need have no regrets. Go not on a way that is set with snares, and let not the same thing trip you twice.
Be not too sure even of smooth roads, be careful on all your paths. Whatever you do, be on your guard, for in this way you will keep the commandments.
Sirach 32:4, 7-9, 19-23
Let neither son nor wife, neither brother nor friend, have power over you as long as you live. While breath of life is still in you, let no man have dominion over you. Give not to another your wealth, lest then you have to plead with him.
Far better that your children plead with you than that you should look to their generosity. Keep control over all your affairs; let no one tarnish your glory. When your few days reach their limit, at the time of death distribute your inheritance.
Sirach 33:20-24
Let not wine-drinking be the proof of your strength, for wine has been the ruin of many.
Wine is very life to man if taken in moderation. Does he really live who lacks the wine which was created for his joy? Joy of heart, good cheer and merriment are wine drunk freely at the proper time.
Headache, bitterness and disgrace is wine drunk amid anger and strife. More and more wine is a snare for the fool; it lessens his strength and multiplies his wounds.
Rebuke not your neighbor when wine is served, nor put him to shame while he is merry; Use no harsh words with him and distress him not in the presence of others.
Sirach 31:18-21, 25, 27-31
When wine is present, do not pour out discourse, and flaunt not your wisdom at the wrong time.
Speak only when necessary, when they have asked you more than once; be brief, but say much in those few words, be like the wise man, taciturn. When among your elders be not forward, and with officials be not too insistent.
Do nothing without counsel, and then you need have no regrets. Go not on a way that is set with snares, and let not the same thing trip you twice.
Be not too sure even of smooth roads, be careful on all your paths. Whatever you do, be on your guard, for in this way you will keep the commandments.
Sirach 32:4, 7-9, 19-23
Let neither son nor wife, neither brother nor friend, have power over you as long as you live. While breath of life is still in you, let no man have dominion over you. Give not to another your wealth, lest then you have to plead with him.
Far better that your children plead with you than that you should look to their generosity. Keep control over all your affairs; let no one tarnish your glory. When your few days reach their limit, at the time of death distribute your inheritance.
Sirach 33:20-24