
The aim of this Bible morals is to give today’s readers maximum understanding of the content of the bible text. Its great value is that it is not only about the bible, but that is also, as it were, brings the reader to the Word of God itself – to read it, study it, and to meditate on it. The word of God needs no artificial devices nor human adaptation to move hearts and arouse souls.

The present commentary makes it possible for the Word of God to act on man in this religion and spiritual way, since it is concerned principally with expounding “the theological doctrine of the individual books and texts in relation to faith and morals”.

Bible tells about the creation of the universe, the origin of mankind, the beginning of sin and suffering in the world, and about God’s way of dealing with mankind. It is first and foremost an account of what God has done. It begins with the affirmation that God created the universe, and it ends with a promise that God will continue to show his concern for his people. Throughout the book the main character is God, who judges and punishes those who do wrong, leads and helps his people, and shapes their history.

God wants each of us to experience a life that has meaning, direction, love and peace. God makes this kind of life possible through a personal relationship with his son, Jesus Christ.